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Fast bidirectional power supplies AL3000R
Brand Zenone Elettronica
Category Testing Equipment
Subcategory High Power Technology
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Fast power supplies AL3000R series are robust, economical, easy to use static equipments. Developed for intensive use on production lines are ideal for research and development laboratories. Due to their high switching frequency joined to the multilevel switching technology they provide a clean DC source in low ripple with short reaction times and a high conversion efficiency> 92%. They can operate in two quadrants, supply and absorb energy from the load with line regeneration. The power range goes from 5KW up to 500KW with parallel option up to over 4MW with a range of voltages from 10V up to 1000V. The operating modes provide constant voltage CV, constant current CC, constant power and internal resistance simulation. The CP models provide output in constant power supplying twice the current in the mid voltage to ensure maximum adaptation to the load. Equipped with a modern and simple user interface which makes setup and parameter readings very simple and intuitive. They are realized in wheeled cabinet (low and medium powers) or cabinet.


Programmable via serial RS485 optional USB, LAN or optic fiber. 4 digital I / O and 4 analog I / O they guarantee a perfect integration with automatic test lines The output voltage can be regulated with continuity from 0 to the maximum value, as well as the current, power, and the internal resistance. All devices are equipped with "sensing" for the compensation of the drop along the cables (up to 10% of the F.S.). They bear abrupt load variations even with recovery times of less than 1 mS for load variations of 50%.


All the equipments can be fitted with dissipative BLCD module for the dissipation of energy coming from the load.


  • power from 5KW up to 500KW
  • voltage from 10V up to 1200V
  • in parallel up to 4MW
  • slew rate down to 500microS
  • modular assembly
  • constant power models CP
  • efficiency >95%
  • Operating mode CV / CC / constant power
  • internal resistor simulation
  • can be controlled from front panel, serial, inputs
  • design table rack, built-in rack, cabinet
  • CV accuracy better than 0.2%
  • CC accuracy better than 0.3%
  • low output ripple
  • insulated output
  • PC control software
Typical applications for AL3000R series are the capability of operating in two quadrants sink and source, where fast response times are requested, They can be used as battery recharger and discharger, battery simulator, test of coils, trafo, electrical motors, inverters too
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Greenlake City, Crown A No.36 Petir, Cipondoh,
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021-2230 2714