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UL1000 FAB Mobile Helium Leak Detector (Dry)
Category Leak Detectors
Subcategory Helium Leak Detector
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ULTRATEST™ sensor technology

The “Dry” Standard for Vacuum Leak Testing in Industrial Vacuum and Semiconductor Manufacturing 

The INFICON UL1000 Fab Helium Leak Detector is the renowned standard when it comes to economic helium vacuum leak testing in industrial or semiconductor environments.

Potential contamination of the tested parts or equipment by carbon-hydrogen compounds or particles is eliminated through the instrument’s dry pump technology. The UL1000 Fab provides the best compromise between high performance, unparalleled robustness, and affordability. It provides state-of-the art detection limits of 10-12 mbar*l/s combined with reasonable short pump down and response time. The compact design provides high maneuverability allowing easy access to maintenance areas with restricted space. The selectable background suppression (iZERO) enables continuous leak testing within at least two decades lower than existing background levels. 

All features enable you to shorten the time of your leak testing efforts while assuring that all leaks can be identified at an economic scale.


  • minimize leak testing efforts through quick pump down and response time
  • avoid need for multiple leak tests by using selectable background suppression (iZERO)
  • enable easy access to maintenance areas with restricted space through maneuverable design
  • low total cost of ownership (TCO) enabled by robust two hot filament ion source (3 years warranty) and counterflow vacuum system
  • easy to use with rotatable display, optical and audible leak indication, and optional remote control
  • low maintenance via a built-in test leak with auto calibration procedure


  • industrial vacuum equipment manufacturing with high demand for cleanliness
  • vacuum components or sub-assemblies before they are installed in existing tools
  • maintenance work on vacuum tools, with or without support from their own pump
  • inspections and installations of process gas systems
  • Semiconductor, flat panel display or solar cell manufacturing
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